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 Delivering the Compliment

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Delivering the Compliment

Paying someone a compliment is not as easy as you might think. Simply saying, "That's a nice shirt" is not enough to spark an engaging conversation. To deliver a compliment successfully, that is, to open the door for a promising conversation, follow these steps:

1. Take note of the details. Do this by:

  • Picking out something she is wearing. This can include a piece of clothing or jewelry, or even a hairstyle.

  • Noticing something about her -- her smile, her eyes, or her physique.

  • Paying attention to what he is carrying. ("That's a beautiful leather case.")

2. Pay attention to what he is doing. (You play a great game of pool" or "I notice that you're careful about what you buy.")

3. Follow up with a question. ("Where did you find such an interesting piece of jewelry?")


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